Tuesday, November 18, 2008

NYC Hyperlocal Community

Last night a group of hyperlocal/LBS web companies got together for food and drinks at Pop Burger Midtown. It was a great evening and I hope that there are more events to come.

Here are some of the companies represented:

There are probably some that I missed (apologies in advance) but it was a great turnout. Special thanks to Landy and Murat for organizing.

This was probably one of the best meetup/networking events I have attended. It is great to be in a room with fellow entrepreneurs who are trying to solve similar issues. At one point there was a group discussion about a very niche local related topic which probably would have bored most people at regular tech events. But last night it led to a deep discussion that included everyone. It was nice to be able to take a deep dive into issues without having to explain the greater details.

There are some very smart and motivated people working great local solutions in New York City and beyond. If you are involved in the hyperlocal, location based services domain definitely join us so that the community can continue to grow.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great turnout, glad to see there are smart people working on what's next in local search.