Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Great blog post from Tom

We get a lot of direct feedback from our users through comments, personal messages and direct emails. But sometimes the best feedback is indirect, like when a blogger writes about your site.

Tom - one of our top users - has a great blog "The Upper West Side Journal". He has a recent post about using the site that we really enjoyed.

A few months ago I badgered my friends to accept my invites to UpNext, which is a 3D map of Manhattan that shows nearly every listing on the island from copy centers to senior citizen lounges in stuyvestant town. I saw there were upgrades to UpNext and realized I hadn't been back to UpNext.com in a while, but even after being obsessed with the grid for nearly 2 years from my perch on the UWS this is still the best orientation tool. Instead of using the limited view in Facebook I thought I'd go full screen, and though I usually use UpNext to figure out the labyrinth of downtown, tonight I saw the new stars shining brightly on the UpperWestSide.

What are the other two restaurants? In addition to Eighty One which I haven't yet been to, Pinch, which I knew was moving from Rose Hill where I work on Park Ave copied a mass market restaurant innovation that I happen to know quite well. In its new home Pinch has done for locally grown comfort food groups what Yum! Brands did for fast food groups: they combined its usual customized pizza barges with customized mac and cheese pots through a merger with the East Village's S'mac (same link as 3 lines up if you missed it) .... (Click here to read the rest)

Thanks for the post Tom. You also get the award for most clever title. (You will have to click over to him original post and the screenshot, to understand the title.)

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great blog, thanks. just moved in and can use the help


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