Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Interaction and Communication: People

Communication on UpNext is based around 2 things: People and Places. Let's spend this post talking about people (how to connect with others and how to communicate with them) and the next one talking about places.

3 Ways to connect with other people!

1) Invite your friends.

Click on the "Invite Friends" button on the home screen or on the "Invite Friends" link in the top right.

Import contacts from gmail, hotmail, yahoo or aol. Existing contacts will automatically be found and friends not part of UpNext will be invited.

2) Search for a friend.

Go to "My Profile" and click on the "Friends" tab to find the search feature. You can search by name or email.

3) Top Members

Check out Top Members and see what the community is up to. This is a great way to quickly scan, discover, and meet other members.

2 Ways to communicate!

1) Comments

Drop a quick note on someone's profile. Just click on his profile and under the "Home" tab there is a box to leave a comment.

2) Private Messages

There is now an option to send private messages. These can only be read by the user and are stored in an inbox.

Click on anyone's profile. Below his profile picture is "Send Message" button.

A message box will appear. Simply write your message and send it off.

You can check messages sent to you in "My Profile". Simply go to your profile and click on the "Inbox" button located under your profile picture. Here you will be able to read and respond to your messages.

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Anonymous said...

How many points are reviews worth (vs marking as a fave)? I think reviews should be weighed more heavily since they take effort whereas adding a fave does not, not that I'm bitter or anything...

Unknown said...

Reviews are worth 5 points and marking a fav is worth 1 point. Reviews are definitely weighed more heavily because we recognize that they require more effort.