Wednesday, October 24, 2007

NYC Startup Camp - We won

The last two days, we were at NYC Startup Camp. It was a great event filled with excellent speakers and great discussions.

We also had a chance to meet a ton of New York based start ups. It is great to see such a vibrant tech community in NYC.

One of the events for the camp was the Best Startup Contest. It was structured like a speed dating event. Each startup (about 25) had a table and camp attendees went around to each table for a 5 min demo/pitch. Attendees then voted for their favorite startup by giving the company a wooden nickel.

The voting came down to the wire and we just edged out BricaBox for first place. (Keep an eye out for BricaBox and its founder Nate Westheimer. They are doing some very interesting work over there.)

Here is what we won: A Sun Fire X4200 Server

We were handed a large cardboard image of the server similar to the oversized check lottery winners receive. I got some interesting looks walking home with a big cardboard picture of a server.

Overall, the event was a success and we had a great time. We want to thank the organizers for bringing Startup Camp to the Big Apple. Looking forward to the next one.

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Anonymous said...

Congrats on the win!

Random question--Who created the city guide top lists? Can users comment on the lists? I'm somewhat of a cupcake maven and I disagree with the UpNext list, and thus would like to comment on it.
-- The Cupcake Cognoscente

Danny said...

The lists are an aggregation of user feedback and editorial reviews.
We are going to open up the lists soon for some user feedback. Also, we will be letting users create their own lists. Check back on this blog for updates.
In the meantime, feel free to email me directly at dmoon -at- upnext -dot- com with your cupcake concerns. We will do our best to make your voice heard.