Thursday, October 4, 2007

Virtual World vs 3D Map

This morning, I read two blog posts that mentioned UpNext that made me think about how people view us.

Virtual World
The first post was from and his entry entitled, Virtual Universes Landscape.

He talks about the Virtual World landscape and how it is a real business opportunity (i.e. some of these companies are generating significant revenue). There is also a great map he made, dividing up the virtual worlds.

It is hard to see, but try to find us. (Hint: We are to the right of another small startup.)

3D Maps
The second post comes from Emad Fanous of Yellowbot on his personal blog. The post is entitled, The Future of Maps: 3D Immersion

This post groups us with 3D imaging companies that are working to put photorealistic images on the web. He talks about 3D immersive maps and how they might change the local landscape.

So where do we lie?

  • Virtual World: Second Life, World of Warcraft, Google Earth...
  • 3D Immersive Maps: Everyscape, Earthmine, Google Streetview...
Share your thoughts with us in the comments and we will follow up in a couple days with another post with our viewpoint.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Danny,

I'd love to hear your thoughts on where you see UpNext and how you plan on developing it.
