Friday, December 5, 2008

FB Connect and UpNext

There has been a lot of data portability news lately with both Facebook Connect and Google Friend Connect launching within days of each other.

We have been utilizing some version of Facebook Connect for a while on UpNext. It is easy to use your Facebook ID to create an account on UpNext. It will also automatically bring together your friend connections if they have also logged into UpNext.

I personally don't have much to add to the data portability conversation because I really think what has been offered to date only scratches the surface. Until there is true data portability this is filed under nice feature rather than killer feature.

It is understandable that Facebook, Google and others are slowly sharing data in phases. Making sure things are set up correctly. There is also the question of what data should be shared. Afterall, part of Facebooks value proposition is that they were the ones that were able to get users to share so much data.

We will continue to dabble in the data portability solutions and create ways for people to better interact with UpNext and their social circles. Looking forward to seeing what comes next from this movement.

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