Thursday, August 2, 2007

UpNext: New and Improved

Yes, it's true we only launched two weeks ago. So how can the site be new and improved already, you ask?

Well, we got a lot of user feedback and worked round the clock to address our users' needs.

Here is what is new on the site (in Q&A format).

Users: I don't want to register. I just want to see the map.

UpNext: No problem. Now you don't have to register.

You can directly go into the site as a guest. Non members, click "Enter Now" -->

But, we highly recommend you do create a profile eventually to enjoy all the features of UpNext (adding reviews, listing favorites, etc).

Users: Can you make the map any bigger?

UpNext: I guess size does matter. Wide screen mode for those of you with bigger monitors.

The map now resizes with your browser window. So, for most users you should see a bigger map. (For users with resolution 1024 x 768 or lower, the map will stay about the same size but it was big already.)

Users: How can I see latest reviews or the top reviewers?

UpNext: We made it easy for you to find this information by adding Top Lists.

Top Lists (Top UpNext Member, Latest UpNext Reviews) now appears on the side search results area once the site is loaded.

Click the "Top List" link in the upper right hand corner of the site to bring the leader board back up.

We are adding more top lists soon to help you find the businesses you want. Keep writing reviews and adding favorites show off you knowledge of the city.

If you have any suggestions for Top Lists, drop us a line in the comments.

Users: Can you re-interpolate road locations to facilitate micro matching and refactor the geocoders?

UpNext: Ok, so that was not a user's questions. But we did it anyways.

What does it mean? It means that UpNext is better and easier to use. We are always working to make the site better.

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1 comment:

Saboteur said...

UpNext in glorious HD!